Genre in Photography

Fields in Photography :

There are Many types of photography exists depends upon the places/objects It Varies,
below are some photography fields
  • Wildlife Photography
  • Landscape Photography
  • Street Photography
  • Macro Photography
  • Astro Photography
  • Nightlife Photography 
Wildlife Photography :
In this type of photography, photographers used to capture real Wildlife, they are capturing wild animals, Birds, and other living creatures in their environment,for these kind of photography, patience is very much essential to capture the Splendors.
Some of the professional photographers risk their life to capture some breathtaking images, photographers preferring Great National forests all over the world to capture the images

Lenses Used :
Usually Lenses with High focal lengths(Telephotos) are preferred to get extreme close-up of Animals and Birds, Lenses having more than 200-600mm of focal lengths are preferred

Landscape Photography :
Capturing the Landscapes like Forests, mountain ranges, Trees, Really big falls, gardens city-scapes are used for this photography. for Landscape photography the Sharpness throughout the image is very much essential, so photographers calculating the Depth of Field and capture accordingly, Usually Deep DOF Preferred in this photography using a Wide-Angle lenses.

Lenses Used
Lenses with Small/Medium focal lengths(Wide-Angles) are preferred to get larger scale of Area in a frame, preferable focal lengths are 10-50mm to get wider shots of landscapes.

Street Photography :
Capturing day to day life in city streets called street photography, Humans and animals are given importance, their habitats are being captured in this photography, some professionals are giving importance to portraits, some of them capturing Streets and small buildings,
Lenses Used :
Lenses are used depends upon the professionals interest, for Portraits Telephotos can be used, for Building and small landscapes Wide-Angles can be used.

Macro Photography :
Its a Really colorful photography if captured accordingly, Its gives life to pictures like very small flowers, insects, little frogs, leaves and dew drops etc, A Macro photography defines capturing things smaller than Camera sensor size into life-size Images, When capturing the tiny objects since we are getting closer to objects so The Depth of field really decreases rapidly, more practice needed to capture macros,

Lenses Used :
Small focal length Lenses with Smaller f-values preferred for this photography

Astro Photography : 
Also called as Night-sky photography, Capturing Planets, stars, and Galaxy clusters are called Astro photography, Since capturing things in night, very slow shutter speeds are used, these images are often called long exposure images, for capturing the Galaxy patterns, photographers prefers deserts, high altitude places or outer places where artificial lights are really low, these place creates fantastic images of Milky way Galaxy.

Lenses Used :
For Sky based images Wide-Angles can be used with slow shutter speeds, for capturing giant moon Telephotos can be used in Moon Rise/Setting periods.

Nightlife Photography :
For Capturing Cityscapes in Night is really beautiful, Buildings, Bridges Landscapes are used for capturing Nightlife, Long exposure images with Manipulated ISO Settings really giving great looks for the images captured in Night.

Lenses Used :
Usually Wide-Angles used, depends upon close-up telephotos can be used, manipulation of ISO setting and Lower shutter speeds are used for creating Light Trails in Night which create line of lights in resulting images,

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