

Digital Single Lens Reflex converts light into electronic signals using Its Inbuilt Sensor, A Single lens used for both taking photographs and viewfinder,the reflex means it reflex the light into sensor.

Exposure :

Allowing the Amount of light into the image sensor is called Exposure, we can make different images by making the Bright scene darker and making dark area looks brighter,DSLR Cameras have automatic exposure controls which allows cameras to select correct exposure modes depends upon the outer situations.

By Leaving the Exposure in auto modes produce optimal exposure compensations,
But in sometimes for users point of view, it would be great to underexpose or over expose the image.

Here are Some Examples for Normal/Over/Under Exposed Images

Normal Exposure Image :

Under Exposed Image :

 Over Exposed Image :

Aperture :

It Controls the brightness of the image which is falls on the image sensor, f-Numbers defines how much aperture should open, the lesser the f-Number (f2.6, f3.2) the Larger Aperture opens, the higher f-Number (f16, f22) very small aperture opens,

Example :

f2.6 = Large Amount of Light Allowed
f22  = Small Amount of Light Allowed

Shutter Speed :

Just Remember controlling out eye's blinking speed, 1/4 is lesser shutter speed where the amount of light falls on sensor is high, 1/500 is higher shutter speed where only less amount of light falls on sensor.

Example :

1/4    = Huge light falls on sensor due to lesser shutter speed
1/500 = Low light falls on sensor due to faster shutter speed

Faster Shutter Speed
Fast Shutter Speed virtually stops Any Moving Object, the below image just stops the flying Flight to standstill state

Slower Shutter Speed
Slower Shutter speeds used for capturing and allowing more light into the sensor It is really helpful in nightlife photography,where it creates light trails, in the below picture the moving vehicles creates light Trails,

Combining Aperture & Shutter Speed :

By Calculating effectively we can have better images by tweaking Aperture and Shutter Speeds,

ISO Sensitivity :

The Higher the ISO (1000,3000,6400) Higher the noise, in night photography or dim light conditions, we can increase the ISO depending upon the situation, in direct sunlight always better to have lesser ISO (100,150).

Low ISO :
Lower ISO Levels increase the amount of light into small level, in the below photograph it actually controlled the amount of light and make the surrounding objects still darker.

High ISO :
Higher ISO Levels increases the amount of available lighet in higher levels, the below image is the example of High ISO Image, If we use ISO Effectively we can reduce the usage of flash in Night photography.

Lense Types :

There are many types of lenses are in use depends upon the situation we are photographing the places

Wide-Angle : 15mm to 35mm

Covering Large landscapes ideal for Landscape Photography

Telephoto : 100mm to 600mm

Ideal for Wildlife photography, used to get closer to the subject

Macro : 35mm/50mm

Used for Capturing very small insects/objects which are smaller than camera sensor,

Depth of Field :

Depth of filed is Directly proportional to the distance of the object from Sensor,
If you want Deep depth of field,the distance of the object should be farther.(Wide-Angle)
If you want Shallow Depth of field the object should be closer.(Telephoto)
to calculate this exact distance there are some tools called DOF Calculator helping us to solve this mystery.

Deep DOF :
if you want most of your part of the images really sharp, then make sure you calculate f-stops carefully and proceed accordingly to get Deep Depth of field, deep DOF Really helpful in Landscape photography

The Below photograph shooted using wide-angle lense with higher f-number which created Deep DOF.

Shallow DOF :
Shallow DOF used to focus the intended subject in real Sharp by making the background blur and out of focus
The Below Image Captured using Telephoto with smaller f-number which creates Shallow DOF.

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